Blog Tour Day 1: “Top-Notch” Review and Giveaway at Bookish for A JANE AUSTEN DAYDREAM

Today is the first day of the blog tour for A JANE AUSTEN DAYDREAM! 

On there are quotes, a book review and even a giveaway for my novel. Here is an excerpt from the very flattering review:

The author brilliantly re-imagines the life of our beloved Jane Austen, weaving in facts, names, dates partly just fiction but some real based on the facts we know of Miss Austen’s short life. He even tucks in quite a few quotes/book references, as to keep us on our toes.

Firstly, the quality of his writing is top-notch. From the opening sentence to the last word, I was captivated.  I felt the author knew where he wanted to take the story and did so in an authoritative as well as engaging way.

Secondly, Scott Southard is an expert at writing in such a fashion as to induce feelings of hate, love, joy, sadness, and righteous fury. I wept, I laughed , I talked back at the characters making foolish decisions, I even rallied against those standing in the way of Jane’s happiness.

You can read the rest of the review here. Also, on that same page, one luck reader can win an eBook copy of A JANE AUSTEN DAYDREAM.  Check it out!

Published by Madison Street Publishing, A JANE AUSTEN DAYDREAM can be purchased in print ($13.46) or as an eBook for the outrageously low price of $3.99 for Kindle. You can find it on Amazon here (

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