“A definite read for all Jane Austen Fans!” Laura’s Little Book Blog reviews A Jane Austen Daydream

A Jane Austen DaydreamToday A Jane  Austen Daydream was reviewed by the popular book site Laura’s Little Book Blog! Here is an excerpt from the review:

I instantly took [to] this novel, it is written extremely well and it was almost like Jane Austen herself had written it; it was written so adeptly to the period and I instantly fell in love with Jane’s character.

The author states from the beginning that this is a work of fiction and not a biography and I mean this in a nice way, but I instantly assumed it would be fictional and not biographical, although it would have been a very clever attempt by the author considering Jane Austen passed away nearly 200 years ago! So this is the authors imagining of what Jane Austen’s life would have been like and I easily could have  believed this really was what Jane Austen was like.

An Illustration from AustenYou can read the rest of the review here.

A Jane Austen Daydream can be purchased in print ($13.46) or as an eBook for the outrageously low price of $3.99 for Kindle. You can find it on Amazon here (http://amzn.com/B00CH3HQUU). I hope you will enjoy it as well.

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