Man Behind the Curtain

PicsScott D. Southard is the author of Permanent Spring Showers, A Jane Austen Daydream, My Problem With Doors, Megan, Maxmilian Standforth and the Case of the Dangerous Dare and 3 Days in Rome (you can learn about these books via each of their pages). His eclectic writing has also found its way into radio, being the creator of the radio comedy series The Dante Experience. The production was honored with the Golden Headset Award for Best MultiCast Audio and the Silver Ogle Award for Best Fantasy Audio Production.

Scott received his Master’s in writing from the University of Southern California. Scott can be found on the internet via this very writing blog where he writes on topics ranging from writing, art, books, TV, writing, parenting, life, movies, and writing. He even shares original fiction on the site. He is also lucky enough to be the book reviewer for WKAR’s radio show Current State and can be heard every other week on their airwaves.

Currently, Scott resides in Michigan with his very understanding wife, his patient two children, and a very opinionated dog named Bronte.

He can be reached via comments on this site, twitter (@SDSouthard) and at the e-mail


23 thoughts on “Man Behind the Curtain

  1. Hello– I enjoyed looking around your blog. It seems that you are inspired good writers and let that admiration direct your subject matter. I think I do that, too– so it was fun to see what you did with it here. Thank you!

    • Thanks for the response. I always tell writers that the best way to learn how to write is to study the greats. It’s the equivalent of going to an art museum if you want to be a painter. For A Jane Austen Daydream, my inspiration came from her writing, but also from her life- it just really hit me that she didn’t live the life she dreamed about or sought in her own books.

  2. I was recently nominated for Versatile Blogger and Most Inspiring Blogger and I would like to pass them on to you. I’m not sure I’ve earned these yet, but you definitely have. Thanks for making your blog an awesome place to hang out.

  3. Scott thanks again for your advices and knowledge about the way to write. Each writer has a personal way to put the ideas in a paper but it very helpful to read your recommendations and thoughts.
    By the way congrats for your blog

  4. I’m currently immersed in A Jane Austen Daydream and like yourself, do NOT consider Jane Austen “chick-lit.” You’re living proof that men can craft a thrilling romance just as well as the ladies. One of my hobbies is reading romance literature and writing reviews of them. How I got into this is a fascinating story unto itself. Enclosed is a link if you are curious. You just may be the recipient of one of my reviews in the near future. The link to my Jane Austen odyssey is here: Keep writing because You have a gift that many desire but don’t have.

    • Thank you!

      Austen Prose is actually planning to review my book in August, I think I am nervous about that review as I was for the one the Jane Austen Centre gave me.

      Most of the responses have been really great and positive for the book, it’s been quite a relief.

      If you do review it, please be sure to tell me! I’m so glad you are enjoying it.


  5. Hello,,,i am searching for nice people and know it is hard in this 21st era to find nice people but via blogging i am getting a lot of friends that are nice to me,you are now added to that list too.I am glad to find such admirable personalities like you.I liked your blog.Thank you! 🙂

  6. Pingback: Writing advice: don’t “write what you know.” Write what you’re passionate about. |

  7. Dear Scott,

    I’m the publisher of eWritingCoach , a new website devoted to bringing together the best advice for anyone working with the written world, whatever the skill level or context. We are always on the lookout for guest bloggers who can contribute smart materiel for our readers and thereby raise awareness of their own expertise or services. Please take a look at our Write For Us page, and be in touch if you think it’s something you would be interested in.



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