My Problem With Doors to be released in April! Book cover reveal!

Hello everyone… so a little bit of big news… 

I am pleased to announce that my novel My Problem With Doors is set to be released this April from KGHH Publishing!

My Problem With Doors is so many things and I can’t wait for you to discover it. It is unpredictable and in many ways the kind of book I love to discover when I go to the library. Here is the draft of the back cover description for the work. (I’ll share the cover after this bit, I promise).

This is a plea for help.

If you have found this manuscript and think it to be only a novel or an ancient piece of fiction, it is not. This is the story of my life and I hope in your reading you will be able to help me…

Jacob is lost in time.

He has been lost ever since he walked through a door as a toddler and ended up in the office of a British officer in 1870. My Problem With Doors is the exciting story of Jacob’s life as a time traveler.

Adventure, humor, romance, and surprises, Jacob never knows where he is going to end up or who he will meet next in his 30-year search for a home and purpose. From pirates to poets to even Jack the Ripper, Jacob will experience all of the best and worst of humanity in his journeys. My Problem With Doors is a book like no other, filled with both literary and adventurous twists and turns.

This is a most compelling book. It pulls you in to a fascinating concept from the beginning…. I give this book 5 stars. –The Voracious Reader

I will keep you updated as the publication date moves up. Until then, let me just add a “Yahoo!”

6 thoughts on “My Problem With Doors to be released in April! Book cover reveal!

  1. Hey Scott! It’s been a while since I have been on here, but I am happy I saw this post! Congratulations on this upcoming release! Is this a book you have been working on for a bit? I seem to recall hearing you talk about it. Well done!

    • Thanks! I hope you will check it out. Honestly, I haven’t done much with the website in a while. I do miss blogging but it just is getting inspired to get back into it. A part of me wonders if the market is out there right now for blogs. Maybe in the future that will come back (after the world stops being in crisis mode, for example). I also had a book come out last year from the same publisher- In Jerry’s Corner. It is great having the fiction out there. Have a good one and thanks for writing!

  2. Hey Scott! I was a student at Aquinas College about a decade ago. My professor, the late Dr. Brent Chesley, had us read this story for one of my literature classes at the time. I recently lost my original copy (super hard facepalm!!) with hopes of finding it again. I am currently working in a high school and it was simply lost in the shuffle.

    I just wanted to write and tell you how important your book is to me. I was going through a really rough time when we read it. It just brought me such great joy in my darkest time. It’s such a beautiful and unique story that I wish everyone had the opportunity to read! It still to this day is considered one of my favorite books.

    I can’t tell you how happy I am to see your book resurge! I have tried checking back periodically online to see if I can find it again (especially now that mine is possibly lost forever!!). I just wanted to send you a message to cheer you on! 🙂

    • Thank you so much. It is great to know that the book is so important to you. Your message definitely made my day! Sometimes it can feel like you write and put things out there, but you are uncertain if your work is making a difference for people. Thank you!

      Dream’s Edge Publishing is planning to put all of my books in print. Next up is my latest novel, In Jerry’s Corner, which could be considered speculative sci-fi, but it is a lot more epic than that. I recommend you check it out as well. I’ll update the website when it is available.

      Dr. Chesley was one of my favorite professors when I was in college. I am still sad that he is gone. I would never have been an Austen fan if it wasn’t for him.

      • I will absolutely check it out! I have actually toyed with different business ideas, and actually writing a book myself. I can relate to your feelings. Know that you have at least one fan here and I have passed this book on to other people along my way!

        Haha! Austen :). I feel the same way. When I taught Preschool, I always made sure to share my cat stories with them like he shared his with his students. Those always made my day! I was so sad at the news as well, but we know he lives on through these interactions. I know he touched a lot of lives during his career.

      • Well, Dr. C was definitely a big influence on me. We were in communication up until his last few months. I always considered a great honor that he taught my books (Doors and Austen) in his classes.

        Thank you so much for supporting my books. It is really great to hear and very encouraging. Cheers!

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