Dear How I Met Your Mother- I’m sorry, it’s not you, it’s me…

Dear How I Met Your Mother,

I really wish I didn’t have to write this letter, but after your season finale I felt I had to say something… Okay, I am beginning this all wrong. Let me try again-

Do you remember when we first met? What a wonderful and magical summer that was!

My wife and I discovered you during the end of your third season and over the summer we rented your two first seasons, watching them back to back and even a second time. We would talk about you all the time. You were recommended to friends.

We laughed at all your jokes, even the bad ones, we could not get enough of your company!  You were an additional guest at our table; and while I quietly thought the first season was a little weak, I brushed it off since I enjoyed your visits so much. Continue reading